
cordova 샘플앱

하 선생 2021. 7. 27. 00:06

npm install -g cordova

cordova create helloworld com.example.helloworld helloworld

cd helloworld

cordova platform add android
cordova platform add android@8.1.0


cordova platform add ios

cordova platform add ios@6.2.0


cordova platform rm ios

cordova build


C:\test\hello\platforms\android\app\build\outputs\apk\debug 폴더에 apk 파일 생성





#splash screen 플러그인 설치

cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-splashscreen





<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<widget id="com.sbfarm" version="1.0.0" xmlns="" xmlns:cdv="">
        A sample Apache Cordova application that responds to the deviceready event.
    <author email="" href="">
        Apache Cordova Team
    <content src="" />
    <access origin="*" />
    <allow-intent href="http://*/*" />
    <allow-intent href="https://*/*" />
    <allow-intent href="tel:*" />
    <allow-intent href="sms:*" />
    <allow-intent href="mailto:*" />
    <allow-intent href="geo:*" />
    <platform name="android">
		<application name="android-usesCleartextTraffic" value="true" />
        <allow-intent href="market:*" />
		<!-- 아이콘 -->
		<icon src="res/android/logo.png" density="ldpi" />
		<icon src="res/android/logo.png" density="mdpi" />
		<icon src="res/android/logo.png" density="hdpi" />
		<icon src="res/android/logo.png" density="xhdpi" />
		<!-- 시작화면 -->
		<splash src="res/android/logo.png" density="land-hdpi"/>
		<splash src="res/android/logo.png" density="land-ldpi"/>
		<splash src="res/android/logo.png" density="land-mdpi"/>
		<splash src="res/android/logo.png" density="land-xhdpi"/> 
		<splash src="res/android/logo.png" density="port-hdpi"/>
		<splash src="res/android/logo.png" density="port-ldpi"/>
		<splash src="res/android/logo.png" density="port-mdpi"/>
		<splash src="res/android/logo.png" density="port-xhdpi"/>
    <platform name="ios">
        <allow-intent href="itms:*" />
        <allow-intent href="itms-apps:*" />


res 폴더는 프로젝트 최상단 루트에서 시작